Classroom Music Education: CHIME TIME
Chime Time: Music for the Primary Classroom is designed for the teacher of grades 1, 2, or 3. Making music should be a daily part of the primary classroom. Sing in circle time, transitions, and when there are a couple minutes to fill. Display song lyrics to promote literacy. (Follow this link for suggestions on using the curriculum in kindergarten or preschool.)
These songs, rounds, and circle games are arranged with simple accompaniments to be played by students on inexpensive classroom instruments, like a glockenspiel with removable bars.
Cross-curricular activities are included to tie music and academic subjects together and to strengthen phonemic awareness and literacy. This curriculum (a printable PDF) includes 51 lesson plans with music in a 2-page spread for ease of use; song lyrics in large print to display; Rain Rhythm Cards, 4 different sets with a total of 48 cards; and Umbrella Haiku Art and Writing mini-unit. See the complete list of songs below and click on the link to hear each song.
Special website price: $25 per unit or $20 per unit with multiple purchases for a school or district. Curriculum includes: Chime Time: Music for the Primary Classroom Lesson Plans and Music (to be printed in portrait orientation), 109 pages; and Chime Time: Resources for the Primary Classroom (song lyrics, Rain Rhythm Cards, and Umbrella Haiku Unit to be printed in landscape orientation), 88 pages. Print a Preview of Chime Time Music for the Primary Classroom p 1-7 with lyrics. (If trying with kindergarten or preschool, change the accompaniment to be a drone on F, chiming at the beginning of each measure; do not sing as a round.
Complete Song List:
Welcome to Our Class
A Clean Up Song
The Farmer in the Dell
Lady, Come Down and See
Rain Rhythms
Rain on the Green Grass
The Mist and All (Sample lesson shown)
The Bear Went Over the Mountain
Oh, How Lovely Is the Evening
Daddy, Come Down and See
Christmas Is Here
Snow on the Brown Grass
Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
The Woods Are Lovely
Dona Nobis
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Goodbye, Goodbye
Are You Sleeping
Round and Round
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
The Pancake
Goodbye, Old Paint
Uneven Rain Rhythms
London Bridge
Make New Friends
Donkeys and Carrots
Once I Had an Old Gray Mare
Rose, Rose
One Elephant
The Little Bells of Westminster
Here We Go ‘Round the Mulberry Bush
Oh, Susanna
Skip to my Lou
Morning Is Come
Hush, Little Baby
All I Could See
Old Chisholm Trail
It Ain’t Gonna Rain
Who Has Seen the Wind
Blow the Man Down
Hey Ho, Nobody Home
Syncopated Rain Rhythms
Canoe Song
Frog Round
Frog Went a-Courtin’
Gak Goon! Went the Little Green Frog
Resting Rain Rhythms
To Ope Their Trunks
Go In and Out the Window
Bed in Summer
At the Sea-Side
Shady Grove
Morning Bells I Love to Hear (easy accompaniment)
Morning Bells I Love to Hear (challenging)
Now the Day Is Nearly Done
Hey Ho,Nobody Home (syncopated rhythm in melody and challenging accompaniment)
I Love the Flowers
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