recorder music book
Compare Quick version to the full Nine-Note Method

Nine-Note Recorder Method, retail $12.95. Contents.

  • Pages are uncluttered.
  • Letter names are embedded directly into note heads when first introduced.
  • New notes are introduced through a simple one-note song that places the pitch in the ear and allows the fingers and mind to learn the note and its position of the music staff.

Order of notes:

  • Early Notes: B, A, G, E, D.
  • First 4 parts of the book are PENTATONIC songs.
  • Right hand is involved in part 2--near the beginning of the method. This gives more contact with the instrument and a sense of control and security. More.
  • Later Notes: F#, high C, D, and E, and then an alternate fingering for B. These notes are harder to finger or have less contact with the recorder.

Reinforcement in the presentation of notes & rhythms:
Each bullet represents a section of this method. The 1st bullet is Part 1, and so on.

  • B, A, G -- 13 tunes
  • B, A, G, E -- 8 tunes
  • B, A, G, E, D -- 6 tunes (plus harmony parts in duets throughout the remainder of the book)
  • Eighth note rhythm -- 12 tunes
  • B, A, G, E, D, F# -- 24 tunes
  • Dotted quarter note with an eighth note -- 9 tunes
  • New Meter 6/8 time -- 6 tunes (6 more later in the book)
  • B, A, G, E, D, F#, C -- 17 tunes
  • B, A, G, E, D, F#, C, high D -- 24 tunes
  • B, A, G, E, D, F#, C, high D, high E -- 20 tunes
    (high E is not used in the harmonies)
  • B, A, G, E, D, F#, C, high D and E, alternate B fingering -- 8 tunes

Reinforcement in the presentation of meters (before another is introduced):

  • 4/4 -- 6 tunes
  • 3/4 -- 5 tunes
  • 2/4 --12 tunes
  • 6/8 -- 10 tunes
  • 6/4 -- 1 tune

Breakdown of songs

  • 147 songs
    • 52 duets
    • 8 rounds
    • 5 Christmas (mostly secular)
    • 1 Hanukkah
    • 9 Hispanic
    • 46 Non-European
      • 18 Native American
      • 14 Eastern
      • 7 Polynesian/Maori
      • 3 Hebrew
      • 3 Jamaican
      • 1 African

Features a fold-out fingering chart, visible while playing.

Self-standing (no music stand needed)


recorder method for music education

Quick Nine-Note Recorder Method, retail $6.95. Contents.

  • Same




Order of notes:

  • Same. Except alternate B fingering is not presented.




Reinforcement in the presentation of notes & rhythms:
Each bullet represents a section of this method. The 1st bullet is Part 1, and so on.

  • B, A, G -- 13 tunes (same)
  • B, A, G, E -- 8 tunes (same)
  • B, A, G, E, D -- 6 tunes (plus harmony parts in duets throughout the remainder of the book--same)
  • Eighth note rhythm -- 7 tunes
  • B, A, G, E, D, F# -- 11 tunes
  • Dotted quarter note with an eighth note -- 3 tunes
  • 6/8 meter not used
  • B, A, G, E, D, F#, C -- 8 tunes
  • B, A, G, E, D, F#, C, high D -- 9 tunes
  • B, A, G, E, D, F#, C, high D, high E -- 10 tunes
    (high E is not used in the harmonies)
  • Alternate B finger not presented


Reinforcement in the presentation of meters (before another is introduced):

  • 4/4 -- 6 tunes
  • 3/4 -- 5 tunes
  • 2/4
  • No other meters are presented

Breakdown of songs

  • 76 songs
    • 13 duets
    • 6 rounds
    • 4 Christmas (secular)
    • 1 Hanukkah
    • 2 Hispanic
    • 15 Non-European
      • 5 Native American
      • 7 Eastern
      • 1 Polynesian/Maori
      • 2 Hebrew
      • 0 Jamaican
      • 0 African

No fold out fingering chart.

Traditional side-binding, stand is recommended.

recorder method for kids


teacher-written elementary music curriculum